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Changes in V4.3 and V5.3

The number of changes is too great to list individually; however. the most important are listed below:
  1. DRAWxtl can plot incommensurately modulated structures up to (3 + 3) dimensions. In addition composite crystals can be plotted.
  2. The unit-cell axis labels and the vector triple can be repositioned using the mouse (V5.3 only).
  3. The program can now draw a best fitting plane through a list of atoms.
  4. An RGB triple may be used to specify color as well as named colors.
  5. The polyhedral sections now calculate the volume of the polyhedron, and for tetrahedra and octahedra, distortion parameters (quadratic elongation, angle variance) are calculated.
  6. The program can generate stereo POV files for the unofficial version called StereoPOV.
  7. Many problems in reading 'foreign' input files, particularly CIF, have been fixed.
  8. Fixed addition of lone pairs through the GUI of V5.3.
  9. Input of dn6 (O format) Fourier maps added.
  10. Reading of electron density and electron localisation function files from EXCITING added.
  11. Reading of DISCUS and FullProf input files added.
  12. The slab cutout function now correctly handles non-rectangular slabs.
  13. There is now a general file viewer under the 'View' menu (V5.3 only).
  14. The loookat command now is honored by the GUI version (V5.3 only).
  15. JANA-style M80 Fo/Fc files can be used to generate a Fourier map.

Please send comments to Larry Finger, Martin Kroeker, or Brian Toby.