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Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize of the European Crystallographic and Neutron Scattering Associations (ECA-ENSA)

The European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) announce the creation of a prize in honour of the late Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut, in memory of his scientific achievements which are cornerstones in both crystallography and neutron scattering.

The prize is awarded to a young European scientist (up to 5-8 years after finishing the PhD-thesis) in recognition of notable experimental, theoretical or methodological contributions in the field of investigation of matter using crystallographic or neutron scattering methods.

ECA and ENSA will award the prize in a regular alternating sequence. The first prize will be awarded at the European Conference for Neutron Scattering in Lund, Sweden, 25-29 June 2007 (http://www.ecns2007.org). On this occasion the prize will be sponsored by NMI3, the Neutron and Muon Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (http://neutron.neutron-eu.net/n_nmi3) In the long run, ECA and ENSA aim to contribute equally to the financing of the prize. A dedicated fund has been set up and contributions through donations, sponsors etc are welcome. A selection committee composed by nominees from both Associations will select the successful candidate.

The first call for nominations is open until 28 February 2007.

Proposals by Senior Scientists, Supervisors, Officers of the Associations etc should be addressed to Hannu Mutka at the Institut Laue-Langevin (mutka@ill.fr) or Hartmut Fuess at the Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Fachbereich Material- und Geowissenschaften, Petersenstrase 23, 64287 Darmstadt (hfuess@tu-darmstadt.de).

Application in electronic format (.pdf) should include a CV, list of publications and an account on the major achievements of the candidate.

15 January 2007 - Crystallography News Online - Copyright © International Union of Crystallography