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Distribution Lists - Listserv commands

The intention of this guide is to give a general outline to list servers. Local settings may vary from place to place and the system may work in a slightly different manner.

Commands are sent to a listserv in the body of messages, never in the Subject field. The listserv address must be known, prior to its use. In the following examples we assume that messages are sent to listserv@lmcp.jussieu.fr

Possible commands are:

Sends a message with explanations about possible commands
Gives the list of all distributions lists at this address. A listserv may manage many distribution lists. Each is recognized by its name. Sending this message to the listserv mentionned above, one finds that the name of the IUCr distribution list is IUCR and that the server manages another one called DIFFRACTION devoted to X-Ray Topography and High Resolution Diffraction.
REView list
Gives the list of subscribers to this list. Sending the message rev IUCR will return 2000 names about!
SUBscribe list Your name
To subscribe to a list. For instance:
sub IUCR Smith Andrew, U. of St Tropez France
Note that Your Name must be informative. This information is for the Editor and other subscribers when they review the list. The listserv automatically find the e-mail address of the subscriber. This means that one must subscribe from his/her preferred machine.
SIGnoff list
To signoff a list: sign IUCR will remove the subscriber from the IUCr list.
The e-mail address of the person sending this command MUST be the same as that of the subscriber. Thus if you have subscribed from a given machine you must unsubscribe from the same address.
INDex list
Very often it is possible to review the archive of previously exchanged messages. This command gives the list of monthly files archived for the list. It is often possible to access the archive through a Web server. When this possibility exists the information on how to access the archive is given when subscribing to the list.
GET list file
To retrieve an archive section for a given list. For instance assume that the message IND IUCR has been sent previously to listserv@lmcp.jussieu.fr. The listserv will have returned the following information:
The following files are available on list iucr:

log9509         35969  Tue Dec 12 15:24:41 1995
log9510         56098  Tue Dec 12 15:24:41 1995
log9511         29918  Tue Dec 12 15:24:41 1995
log9601         31809  Tue Jan 30 12:45:06 1996
log9604         17442  Sat Apr 20 11:14:13 1996
log9606         13706  Fri Jun  7 21:53:46 1996
Thus to retrieve information exchanged on the list in June 1996, just send to the same address the message:
get IUCR log9606

Common errors


When subscribing you will receive an acknowledgment.

Always archive this message. It should tell you:

[Index] [list-intro] [list-exch] [list-crystallo] - 24th June 1996 - © Yves Epelboin - Not to be copied or reproduced without permission