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International Tables for Crystallography

Brief teaching edition of Volume A: Space-group symmetry

Edited by Theo Hahn, Institut für Kristallographie, Technische Hochschule Aachen, D-52056 Aachen, Germany


Corrected reprint of the fifth edition, April 2005

176 pp.

ISBN 978-0-7923-6591-4

Price: EUR 30.00/USD 30.00/GBP 17.00

Sample pages for the brief teaching edition of Volume A (PDF format)

This brief teaching edition is a condensed, inexpensive version of Volume A. It consists of:

The purpose of the teaching edition is threefold:

(i) It should provide a handy (and inexpensive) tool for researchers and students wishing to familiarize themselves with the use of the space-group tables in Volume A.

(ii) It is designed for use in classroom teaching, and with this aim in mind the price has been kept as low as possible. In order to achieve this, the material has been reprinted from Volume A without any changes, except for pagination.

(iii) It may serve as a laboratory handbook because the 24 examples include most of the frequently occurring space groups, for both organic and inorganic crystals.

The fifth edition of the brief teaching edition has been reviewed by M. Warren [Mineral. Mag. (2003). 67, 826-827].


Copies may be ordered directly from Springer or from any bookseller. For copies ordered directly from the publishers, there is a bulk discount of 20% on orders of more than 10 copies.

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