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Re: COMPCOMM: Background on Software Patents

>> Software Useright: Solving Inconsistencies of Software Patents: 
>>  an overview by Jean-Paul Smets
>>    http://www.smets.com/it/policy/useright/useright.pdf
>> Conclusion from the above article:
>> "Software patents are generally useless, worthless and unfair.  Patents
>> on programmes as such are even dangerous because they allow to grant
>> monopolies on business methods and social practices and make business
>> life very risky for software publishers."
>Negative emotional language like this is not going to stimulate
>positive change in the way communities act.
>> If members of the Commission would like to read the abovelink.
>> Then the draft compcomm opinion can be resent to the mailing list
>> Monday and reviewed with respect to this background information.
>I feel very uncomfortable with strong negative language that is not
>backed up by comprehensive prior analysis. Attaching a few URL's is not
>a credible shortcut. If compcomm feels that it is necessary to get
>involved in the democratic process of law-making I'd prefer to see a
>careful, concise, unbiased analysis that the target audience can absorb
>in a reasonable amount of time (33 pages is too long), potentially
>followed by an endorsement of certain practices.

As mentioned - it is very hard to find a "short" analysis
that claims to be moderately objective, readable, comprehensive 
and does not have strong opinions of some type.

Re: http://www.smets.com/it/policy/useright/useright.pdf
If there is a better, more "concise" document than the above - 
it would be good to refer to it instead.  

The original crystallographer who wanted this issue raised is 
not on the computing commission.  But was extremely concerned
that an up and coming Software Patent around a certain 
crystallographic method (which "looks" like it involves "prior art")
may destroy his incentive to develop or distribute any 
of his Crystallographic software.  Mainly out of fear of being 
sued by the Patent owner - and not having the financial resources 
to challenge it.  

If this is the type of Software Patents can engender (which they seem
to do in the free and shareware software programming world), then I think 
it is appropriate for the Computing Commission to become aware of the issue
and have a say.  (having an opinion on an issue does not mean getting
involved in the process of law making)


Lachlan M. D. Cranswick

Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
    for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
  Birkbeck University of London and Daresbury Synchrotron Laboratory 
Postal Address: CCP14 - School of Crystallography,
                Birkbeck College,
                Malet Street, Bloomsbury,
                WC1E 7HX, London,  UK
Tel: (+44) 020 7631 6850   Fax: (+44) 020 7631 6803
E-mail: l.m.d.cranswick@dl.ac.uk   Room: B091
WWW: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/

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