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Re: IUCr congress - CompComm nominations and suggested symposia -

The topics seem good ones.
The Macromolecular developments are often towards automation - clever 
but not very interesting for a meeting!
Suggestions for younger people who are thinking about methodology hard 
are: Kevin Cowtan, Ralf Grosse-Kunsleve, Garib Murshudov. Airlie McCoy.


a.l.spek wrote:

>Dear Lachlan,
>How was the Siena meeting ? Anything interesting to report on ?
>Our meeting in Leuven went well. I already mentioned the 'charge
>flipping' technique in Siena. In Leuven it became clear to me that this
>new method to solve structures is very promising. The method was first
>reported by Gabor Oszlanyi & Suto in 2004 (who was also a speaker in 
>my session). It now turns out that the method is also used successfully
>to solve powder and incommensurate structures.
>So, coming back from Leuven, I massaged the tools that are already in
>PLATON for SQUEEZE into a tool named FLIPPER to implement charge
>flipping. And indeed, the method solves structures from scatch without
>previous knowledge of the spacegroup (a job for ADDSYM afterwards). 
>The UNIX implementation is on the WEB. Louis Farrugia is working to
>get things working under Windows as well. (Louis is currently
>handicapped with a broken leg and forced to stay at home).
>>For the request of the XXI Japan IUCr Congress for CompComm reps on
>>the international program committee:
>This was on my list 'to do' to contact you on. I did not know that you
>received similar requests.
>I would think that you are the best person to represent the committee
>in Japan. I hope that you can accept. 
>I do not think that I know Izumi. Is he involved in computing ?
>As for your suggestions for subjects:
>I think that your suggestions are in line with my idea that there
>should be a number of slots of the type you suggested for people 
>doing software development etc.
>I have not approached yet our Japanese member but will do this week.
>What we need is an interesting covering theme.
>Best wishes for now
>>Could I suggest:
>>Simon Parsons in the UK and Fujio Izumi in Japan.
>>Are there other suggestions?
>>Also, is now a good time to try and get an initial list of proposed
>>symposia:  To try and get things started:
>>  New algorithms for macromolecular crystallography
>>  New algorithms for single crystal and powder diffraction
>>  New algorithms incommensurate, non-periodic and magnetic crystallography
>>  Interfacing crystallographers to computational software
>>Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
>>Contact outside working hours /
>>  Coordonnees en dehors des heures de travail:
>>NEW E-mail / courriel:  lc *at* bluehaze.com.au
>>Home Tel: (613) 584-4226   ;   Mobile/Cell: 613 401 3433   
>>WWW: http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/
>>        P.O. Box 2057, Deep River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1P0
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