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Distribution list of the IUCr Electronic Publishing Committee

epc-l is the distribution list of the IUCr Committee on Electronic Publication, Dissemination and Archiving of Information (EPC). It is the means used to carry out all general discussions and information diffusion within the EPC.

The archive of epc-l is located at the URL:

As of 2nd Dec. 1997 epc-l is being used as a means of training the system administrator, the remote list owner and the list subscribers and to evaluate the listproc software for use by other IUCr commissions and committees. It is expected that this use will soon be completed.

epc-l is unmoderated, private and owned by the Chairman of the EPC. Subscribers to the list are strictly limited to the members of the EPC and those IUCr officials (viz. President, General Secretary and Treasurer, and Executive Secretary) who request membership of the list.

Howard Flack, EPC Chairman, 2nd Dec. 1997

Threads are arranged in reverse order (most recent at the top), but the messages within each thread are arranged by date.

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Updated Wed Mar 07 07:58:57 GMT 2007