Re: New participant

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble ( hewat@fr.ill )
09 Jun 1994 16:02:24 +0000

abdessadek lachgar <> wrote:

>DBWS-9006PC is a complete rietveld analysis package writen by R.A. Young
>and A. Sakthivel.

Actually, the original DBWS was mainly written by D.B. Wiles working for R.A.
Young (that is the reason for the first initials of the name DBWS) based on the
original Rietveld code (some of which is still there), and later modified by A.
Sakthivel (the S in DBWS). The references are given in the manual that can be
obtained from Ray Young.

I just like to see Wiles' name not entirely forgotten ;-)

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE ( Fax (France=33).