Re: Diffraction patterns etc.

Scott Meilicke ( )
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 09:11:10 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 14 Nov 1995, Carsten Schinzer wrote:

> By the way, a point that really makes me mad is: Why are the Rietveld
> codes free shareware when you have to do a thousands of tricks to get the
> ready-fitted profile visible? E.g. FullProf (to my knowledge) does not
> support any ascii-plot format. The only tool I know to plot FullProf's
> results is DRX-Win, which you can buy for some 400 $.
> Greetings
> Carsten

I have used Prof. Izumi's Rietan94, and it accepts either xy data or mdi
style formatting (ascii), with only an x start, stop and step size,
followed by 8 columns of y data. It also outputs 5 different styles of
data, one of which contains x and y in the first two columns. It's been
an easy program for me to use and runs fabulously under OS/2 (I have the dos
version). Then again, I've only used one other program (Rikas)...

As an aside,
Does anybody know if Rietan94 or any other code can take into account
theta compensating slits? I can't disable them on our Philips machine...


Scott Meilicke
University of Washington