Christmas gift

Stanislaw Gierlotka ( )
Wed, 20 Dec 1995 18:10:57 -6000

Hi fellow Rietveld users,
Henry Marciniak prepared next version of DMPLOT for all of you.
It now supports FullProf and PC-GSAS the best it can. (thanks to all
who supplied us with test files)
HP-GL now comes in two flavours: for HPLJ-III laser printers and for
plain plotters ("especially for you...", Armel!)
There are also other minor changes but EMS support is still to come.
I have figured out why there were so many unsuccessfull attempts to
connect to our server. It is because all the connections from Europe
come to us over a rather slow physical link Warsaw-Vienna, while overseas
connections go over satellite via Stockholm. That Vienna link is
oversaturated during the day, and only between midnight and 8 a.m. (9 at
most) operates at reasonable speed. Thanks to Lachlan Cranswick DMPLOT is
also available at his server
I have just uploaded ver 3.47 there. Those who hate getting up early and
never stay at work overnight will find it easier to get DMPLOT from
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. . . ^*^^^^^*^. . .MERRY CHRISTMAS .
^^^^*^^@^^^ . . AND . . . .
. . ^@^^^*^^*^^^^ . A HAPPY NEW YEAR .
^^^^^@^^^^^*^^@ . . 1996 . .
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Stan(islaw) Gierlotka | High Pressure Research Centre | Polish Academy of Sciences
X-Ray Diffraction Lab. | Sokolowska 29, 01-142 Warszawa, Poland
phone +(48 22) 6328497 | phone (international) +(48) 3912 3276
| | phone (local) +(48 22) 6325010
| | | fax (international) +(48) 3912 0331
| | | | | fax (local) +(48 22) 6324218