Welcome to the Rietveld Mailing List

Lachlan Cranswick ( lachlan@melbpc.org.au )
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:40:55 +1000 (EST)

Hi All,

Followibg is a pseudo-regular email informing all
subscribers that the Homepage for the Rietveld Mailing
List is available for viewing at :-


This includes the list of Rietveld FAQs :-


And the list of PC & Mac Rietveld programs, including related software:-



In general, mailing lists attract the level of usage that participants
consider appropriate. If you think the level of usage seems a bit low,
feel free to send out a query, comment, reply or review.


Other Web pages include the crystallography newsgroup homepage :-


And the World Wide Web Virtual Library for Crystallography :-
(In theory, choose the closest site to get decent downloading speed)

http://www.unige.ch/crystal/w3vlc/crystal.index.html - Switzerland
http://www.gh.wits.ac.za/crystal/w3vlc/crystal.index.html - South Africa
http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/sincris/vlc/crystal.index.html - France
http://www.sdsc.edu/CompSci/pb/xtal/vl/ - USA
http://www.chem.titech.ac.jp/mirror/vlib/crystal.index.html - Japan




Lachlan Cranswick _--_|\
Melbourne PC User Group, Australia / \
E-mail : lachlan@melbpc.org.au \_.--._/
Mobile Phone/Voice Mail : 0412-1141-31 v
WWW : http://www.unige.ch/crystal/stxnews/stx/volnteer.htm
A/H Phone/Fax : (613) 9455-1345