Re: Seeing and printing Fullprof output files

Adam Guzik ( )
Tue, 13 Jan 98 09:22:49 CST

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998 14:45:37 +0100, Armel Le Bail
<> wrote:

>Gustavo Cifredo Chacon wrote:
>> May you say a suitable freeware win95 software for seeing and
>>printing Fullprof output files?
>> Programs ("transforms") made with Sigma-Plot are also welcomed.
>Freeware, maybe (?) PLOTR, but for DOS :

It is very usefull for quick viewing results from FULLPROF.

>There are sharewares. To find them, you may consider the Rietveld FAQ
>by Lachlan Cranswick :
>Two softwares may do the job. DMPLOT, for DOS but working well in a
>DOS box under WIN95 :

As you set value of the PRF(IPL2) flag in line 3 as 3, the *.PRF file
contains two columns format ( 2theta, Intensity). Such a format is
suitable for many drawing programs e.g. Easy Plot, Origin etc, but you
loose information on positions of peaks.

Best regards