Fundamental Parameter Approach versus Empirical

Armel Le Bail ( )
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 09:35:07 +0200

Silly questions,

>From where come the equations used for modeling the instrumental
component and emission profile in the fundamental parameter
approach ? For instance, in BGMN, the instrumental function seems
to be made of sums of squared Lorentzian functions (if I am right ?).

I mean : is there not some remaining empirism in this "fundamental
approach" ? Are the profiles exactly described (as we can describe
a circle or a sphere exactly by a mathematical formula) or modeled ?

If some % of empirism remain in the "Fundamental Parameter
Approach", is there not some intellectual swindle in this affair ?:-)

Moreover, how are described the crystallite size and strain
broadening , "entered as refinable values". Are they still
represented by Lorentzian and Gaussian components ? If yes,
this is nothing more than a semi-empirical approach (i.e. the
crystallite size and strain distributions and the variation law
of strain with distance from an arbitrary origin are postulated :
and this is rather not fundamental...)

So tell me : really 0.00% empirism ? If not, give an estimation
of the remaining percentage, please.


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