Re: RIET USER: Valence (using I.D. Brown - Altermatt data) for

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble ( (no email) )
Sat, 22 Aug 1998 16:42:45 +0200 (Wataru SUGIMOTO) wrote 22 August 1998:

>I've been trying to calculate the BVS using xtal-3d on some of our niobates.
>But the CCSL listing returns an error message.
> File 'xtal-3d.val' gives no value for Nb1 - O

Table only contains Ro for Nb+5.
If xtal-3d doesn't calculate the valence sum to be near +5 for Nb, it will
search for an Ro for the next highest valence (which it won't find).

Just over-ride this table by explicitly specifying Ro=1.911 as follows:
Nb-O 1.911,0,1,0 in the "Bonds" box.

I will change this behaviour so that it uses the last value of Ro even if
the calculated valence sum does not correspond.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <> tel (33) fax (33)