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[sdpd] Information on Quasicrystals

Dear Mr. Alameddine,

if you are looking for an introduction to quasicrystals I would suggest the
following article:
W. Steurer: "The Structure of Quasicrystals", Z. Krist. 190 (1990),

It is also interesting to read the original paper on the discovery of
D. Shechtman, I. Blech, D. Gratias, J.W. Cahn: "Metallic phase with
orientational order and no translational symmetry".

With best greetings
Martin Schmidt

Martin U. Schmidt
Clariant GmbH
Pigment Technology Research
G 834
D-65926 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49-69-305-13426
Fax: +49-69-331749
martinulrich.schmidt... @clariant.com