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[sdpd] RESEND: Update versions of CELREF and POUDRIX for Windows

Apologies - too quick of the mark.  Weblinks now included:

Tutorial run-throughs:

LMGP Programs for download:


>As part of the LMGP Suite for Windows by Jean Laugier and
>Bernard Bochu, there is are updated versions of CELREF and POUDRIX.
>Celref has a fix that for refining on cubic materialsm it will no
>longer diverge when the given a value was too far from the true one.
>Poudrix can now output simulated patterns in CPI (and a CPD format
>that describes multiwavelength situations)


>As a reminder:

>Celref is a complete GUI based unit cell refinement program that
>can import raw data files and peak profile files, calculate
>lines based on the spacegroup and auto-select/auto-match
>calculated to observed peaks.

>Poudrix is a powder diffraction calculation program that
>also is able to use either "Brenann and Cowan or Sasaki"
>Anomalous Dispersion data to calculate the contribution of
>f' and f'' - plus can plot in 2-theta and Q-space.
>Thus it is very apppropriate for simulating or looking at
>Synchrotron based experiments.

Lachlan M. D. Cranswick

Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
    for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD U.K
Tel: +44-1925-603703  Fax: +44-1925-603124
E-mail: l.cranswick... @dl.ac.uk  Ext: 3703  Room C14