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[sdpd] No news from DASH, ex-DRUID ?

Willing to be kept informed on seemingly important software,
I constantly ask for news. However, years are passing and
availability is still delayed concerning DRUID, now DASH.

In the CCDC annual Report, 1998 :

>DRUID is a program for solving crystal structures from powder
>diffraction data, written by Professor Bill David and Dr Kenneth
>Shankland at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. CCDC is 
>collaborating in the project, firstly to make it available to the
>scientific community, and then to integrate CSD information into
>the structure solution process. Work is underway to improve the
>program interface, characterise the success rate of the program
>and to produce documentation. Release by the end of 1999 or
>early 2000 is planned. 

DRUID was one of the rare winning program competing to the SDPD
Round Robin (http://www.cristal.org/SDPDRR/). 

The name changed in DASH at the last IUCr Congress, Glasgow,
and brilliant live demonstrations were given.

We are already in February, not so early 2000. 

Any info welcome.

Armel Le Bail - Université du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France