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[sdpd] To ESPOIR users, if any

Following many suggestions (from Lachlan Cranswick,
Jean-Marc Le Meins, thanks to them), the ESPOIR code
was modified for being slightly more user-friendly.

- It accepts now comment lines in the .dat file, provided they
   start by ! and the PRESPOIR program add automatically
- the screen shows the run number as well as the previous
    best R factor.

Some bugs were corrected, and the speed was increased
by a factor 1.5 or even 2. in the case of using the reconstructed
powder pattern option (optimization in the profile2 subroutine).


Are there some experts in parallelizing Fortran code, and in
Beowulf clusters among the SDPD adepts ? Waiting days of
calculation may be discouraging, but the program would profit
"easily" of parallel calculations, even on a small cluster of
Intel or AMD processors.

