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Re: [sdpd] ADS and In2O3 data - XFIT Tutorial

Another query which rightfully belongs in the rietveld mailing list, but 
bugs me a lot: Why is there so precious little software that models 
ADS data and none of them are any of the most well known, widely 
used packages such as GSAS and Fullprof?
If you have ADS data and want to use any of these programs, you 
have to convert your data to fixed slit data.
I wonder, because I imagine that it would take minimal effort to 
incorporate it in the software.

> A query is: how common is it for the data collection
> software to collect ADS data then convert it to
> Fixed Slit data.  Would it not be better if the
> data is to be stored and transmitted as "fixed
> divergence slit" - then to generate it as fixed
> divergence slit data?

Jens Wenzel Andreasen        "If only those geologists would let me  
Dept. of Mineralogy           alone, I could do very well, but those
Institute of Geology          dreadful hammers! I hear the clink of   
University of Copenhagen      them at the end of every cadece of the
Phone: +45 44 64 74 10        Bible verses."     - John Ruskin, 1851