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[sdpd] Re: Workshop announcement

I totally agree with Dr. Le Bail. From this discussion I see that
people don't think at all about many specialists at the so called 
developing countries who have good preparation, many ideas, desire of 
working hard, but have almost no resources, and have few
to attend this kind of workshops.
Regards, Alma.

>--- In sdpd...@egroups.com, Armel Le Bail <armel...@f...> wrote:
> Thanks a lot for this comment.
>PS- Some provocative opinions :
>If the organizers or some of the speakers would like to
>subscribe to the SDPD mailing list, things would be more simple.
>Using Internet is not developing so fast in science, curiously.
>Many people only want to speak during official conferences,
>or only want to write in regular publications. A way of life.
>Many speakers at the above workshop are representing
>commercial programs. You will have demonstrations, but
>you should not expect to go back home with a free version.
>Comments ?
>--- In sdpd...@egroups.com, Armel Le Bail <armel...@f...> wrote:
> Thanks a lot for this comment.
> And more provocative opinions :
> Good science can be made everywhere, certainly.