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[sdpd] size and strain analysis


Many  of the messages sent in this discussion groups
deal with grain size and microstrain determination.
Unfortunately, it seems that the information is mainly
adressed to specialists. If i want to ?standardise?
grain size and strain determination for
non-cristallographer, what are the steps to do ¿? It
seems that Rieveld is the better way to obtain
non-user-dependent results but it is quite hard to
teach to non crystallographer ?thus, most of the
questions below deal with a peak by peak analysis

1-instrumental resolution

the pseudo-voigt function used for resolution function
determination on standard compounds do not allow to
fit the asymetry observed at low angle. Does it matter
really if i do not take into account this asymetry ¿?
Is one side of the peak more significant than the
other ¿?

The split pseudo-voigt function gives better results
but the ?splitting ? parameters show a tendency to
oscillate which would make difficult the analytical
resolution function expression.

2- powder analysis

how to subtract the resolution function from the
fitted pseudo-voigt function since it is a mixture of
gaussian and lorentzian.

Does the williamson-hall method involves the FWHM or
the integral width ¿?



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