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Re: [sdpd] Recent Congress and comiing ones about SDPD

On Tuesday, September 23, 2003, at 04:04 PM, Armel Le Bail wrote:

> So where are
> these software available (Lachlan, please add a new topic in the
> CCP14) ?


seems like your memory is becoming week by the time going ;-))
Last year at the IUCr congress in Geneve I demonstrated how to use Maud 
to extract Fobs from multipattern experiment on a textured sample..... 
I vaguely remember you were sitting there, but probably, as I am not so 
good for entertainment, for sure you as most of the audience was 
In any case is my fault as I never translated that example in a 
tutorial available somewhere so other people may know how to do it with 
my program. In brief the method used is a combination of "Le Bail" 
extraction both for texture and Fobs, that iteratively converge as the 
texture extraction is refined by computing the ODF and thus improving 
the Fobs extraction on the overlapped peaks....... For some practical 
reasons that are clear when analyzing in detail the problem this cannot 
be done simply using other programs available unless you have your own 
routines to couple with a real texture analysis program (like what the 
Zurich group have done, Berlocher, McCusker et al. with Beartex). GSAS 
in my opinion is not suitable for that....... And it is the only 
alternative for the Rietveld Texture analysis (with multispectra and 

Best regards,
		Luca Lutterotti

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