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[sdpd] RIET:CLAY: Preliminary registration for IUCr Siena 2005 Crystallographic Computing School

Preliminary registration for IUCr Siena 2005 Crystallographic Computing School


Main reason for posting: If you sent in a preliminary registration for
the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing Siena 2005 school -
and you did not get a reply within 3 working days, please E-mail again
and query this lack of response (don't send any file attachments). The
most likely cause of not getting a quick reply is an over-eager 
institutional SPAM filter.



In case you missed the announcement before, preliminary registrations
are now being accepted for the Siena 2005 school

Current confirmed list of speakers:

Dr Kevin Cowtan; Dr Bill David; Dr Louis Farrugia; Dr Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve;
Dr James Pflugrath; Dr Harry Powell; Professor George Sheldrick; 
Prof. Dr. Anthony L. Spek; Prof. Lynn Ten Eyck; Dr Tom Terwilliger


Registration requirements:

* The School is intended for senior postgraduates, postdocs and above
with a knowledge of crystallography who may want to become involved in
software development, but lack experience in this. It is not intended to
teach crystallography to computationally literate students, nor is it
expected to teach the basics of programming.

* It is assumed that students on the course will have (at least) scanned
through a copy of one or more of the following books, depending on their

  - D. Blow, Outline of Crystallography for Biologists, Oxford University 
        Press, Oxford, 2002.

  - W. Clegg, A.J. Blake, R.O. Gould & P. Main, Crystal Structure Analysis: 
        Principles and Practice, ed. W. Clegg, IUCr & Oxford Science 
        Publications, Oxford, 2001.

  - Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of
        Materials by Vitalij Pecharsky and Peter Zavalij, Springer, 2003, 
        ISBN: 1-4020-7365-8.

It would not be too much to expect that all students would be familiar
with the contents of

   - C. Giacovazzo, H.L. Monaco, D. Viterbo, F. Scordari, G. Gilli, G.
      Zanotti & M. Catti, Fundamentals of Crystallography (2nd Edition), 
     ed. C. Giacovazzo, IUCr & Oxford Science Publications, Oxford, 2002.
      (especially those chapters on "Symmetry in Crystals" and 
       "Crystallographic Computing")

Students should have some programming skills such as the ability to
write a runnable non-trivial program in a language like FORTRAN or C (or
C++, Python or Java) (with calls to subroutines or functions).

Participants are assumed to bring their own laptop computer on which
'school required software' can be installed


Registration Costs (includes all meals)

    * 550 Euro for full accomodation including meals (single room)
    * 500 Euro for full accomodation including meals (shared room)
    * 400 Euro for lodging not included (but includes cost of 
          lunches and dinners).
    * Accompanying Person : 250 Euro (Outside Accomodation but with 
        evening meals, evening drinks at the Certosa; and school 
        dinner in Siena for 21st August).

(there are only a limited number of single rooms at the Certosa, so
 it will not be possible to give everyone a single room preference,
 and sharing may be required.




The Siena 2005 School on Crystallographic Computing is sponsored and
supported by the following organizations:

 University of Siena:    http://www.unisi.it/

 Bruker AXS

 Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) 

 CCP4 - Collaborative Computing Project Number 4 in Protein 
   Crystallography - http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/



Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Contact outside working hours /
  Coordonnees en dehors des heures de travail:
E-mail / courriel: lachlan...@melbpc.org.au   Home Tel: (613) 584-4226
Mobile/Cell: 613 401 3433   WWW: http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/
        P.O. Box 2057, Deep River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1P0

(please use clear titles in any Email - otherwise messages might
accidentally get put in the SPAM list due to large amount of junk
Email being received. If you don't get an expected reply to any
messages, please try again.)

(Essayez d'utiliser des titres explicites - sans quoi vos messages
pourraient aboutir dans un dossier de rebuts, du fait de la quantite
tres importante de pourriels recue. Si vous n'obtenez pas la reponse
attendue, merci de bien vouloir renvoyer un message.)

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