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[sdpd] EPDIC-10 Call for Abstracts

On behalf of the Swiss Society for Crystallography and the University of 
Geneva I warmly invite you to attend the 10th European Powder 
Diffraction Conference (EPDIC). The conference will be held from the 1st 
to the 4th September 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland. Conference workshops 
will be organized from the 31st August to the 1st September 2006. 
Please, check the conference website 
www.sgk-sscr.ch/EPDIC10/EPDIC10.html for more details.

Participants of EPDIC-10 are cordially invited to submit abstracts on 
any topic related to diffraction by polycrystalline materials. Abstracts 
of all contributions (plenary lectures, oral contributions, posters) 
will be published in the conference abstract book and will be made 
available on the conference website.

On-line abstract submission is available by way of the conference 
website starting 3rd January 2006. Please note that the abstract 
submission deadline is 1st April 2006! Young scientists applying for a 
bursary need to send in their abstract by 1st March 2006. Notification 
of acceptance will be made by 1st May 2006.

We look forward to meeting you in Geneva for a conference that will be 
held in a scientifically stimulating yet relaxed atmosphere.

Radovan Cerny
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Radovan Cerny
Laboratoire de Cristallographie
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Phone  : [+[41] 22] 37 964 50, FAX : [+[41] 22] 37 961 08
mailto : Radovan.Cerny...@cryst.unige.ch
URL    : http://www.unige.ch/sciences/crystal/cerny/rcerny.htm

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