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Re: [sdpd] calibration problems with Silicon+gsas


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            <p>Hello, All: <br>
Thanks to the suggestion from Prof. Gottschalk, i took (1/8,1/8,1/8) origin instead of (0,0,0). It is much improved and it shows the calibration sample has no problem, but current match cannot be better enough. <br>
Nevertheless, whether the device's state was suitable for refinement analysis or not is still unclear, and i still doubt whether the peakshapes produced by the device can be well descriped by type-3 parameters. <br>
Moreover, i am also doubting whether this rough parameters, as shown in the webpage, are somehow reproducible for other materials when all the measurement conditions are the same. <br>
The discussion webpage has been updated, please see more pictures via:  <br>
<a href="http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/~lujun/";>http://www.physik.<wbr>uni-augsburg.<wbr>de/~lujun/</a> <br>
Faithfully <br>
Jun Lu <br>
---------- <br>
Lst. Prof. Lijie Qiao <br>
Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry <br>
University of Science and Technology Beijing <br>
100083 Beijing <br>
P.R. China <br>
<a href="http://www.instrument.com.cn/ilog/handsomeland/";>http://www.instrume<wbr>nt.com.cn/<wbr>ilog/handsomelan<wbr>d/</a> <br>
Lst. Prof. Loidl and Lunkenheimer <br>
Experimental Physics V <br>
Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (EKM) <br>
University of Augsburg <br>
Universitaetsstr. 2 <br>
86159 Augsburg <br>
Germany <br>
<a href="http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/exp5";>http://www.physik.<wbr>uni-augsburg.<wbr>de/exp5</a> <br>
  ----- Original Message -----  <br>
  From: Matthias Gottschalk  <br>
  To: <a href="mailto:sdpd%40yahoogroups.com";>sdpd...@yahoogroups.<wbr>com</a>  <br>
  Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 6:58 PM <br>
  Subject: Re: [sdpd] calibration problems with Silicon&#43;gsas <br>
  In spacegroup F d 3- m there a 2 origins. <br>
  Put the Si on 1/8 1/8 1/8 instead of 0 0 0. <br>
  The Stadi P is a brilliant instrument (curved Ge  <br>
  monochromator, PSD). We use it (2 of them) in conjunction  <br>
  with GSAS now for 14 years without problems. However some  <br>
  crystallographic knowledge helps when doing Rietveld  <br>
  refinements. <br>
  Matthias Gottschalk <br>
  On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 17:09:03 &#43;0200 <br>
  &quot;Lujun...@EKM&quot; &lt;<a href="mailto:jun.lu%40physik.uni-augsburg.de";>jun.lu...@physik.<wbr>uni-augsburg.<wbr>de</a>&gt; wrote: <br>
  &gt; Hello, crystallographical experts: <br>
  &gt;  <br>
  &gt; i had never got a satisfying refinement solution for  <br>
  &gt;my interesting materials, so i began to doubt our X-ray  <br>
  &gt;device (STADI-P, STOE Company): was it capable of  <br>
  &gt;structural refining or just not well calibrated? This is  <br>
  &gt;the motivation for my calibration refining work. <br>
  &gt; The raw data was collected and can be easily indexed.  <br>
  &gt;i was happy for a while, but when the refinement work was  <br>
  &gt;tried, i became dispointed. Whatever i tried, the match  <br>
  &gt;betrween raw data and calculation was always bad: there  <br>
  &gt;were no calculation intensities in some positions where  <br>
  &gt;should be, and in other positions also were there no  <br>
  &gt;experimental peaks where should be. <br>
  &gt; Would anyone like to point out some reasons for such  <br>
  &gt;situation? In particular, the most important question for  <br>
  &gt;me is whether our STADI-P device suitable for refinement  <br>
  &gt;experiments or not. If so, i have no choice but to throw  <br>
  &gt;away all my previous refinement work. :( <br>
  &gt;  <br>
  &gt; All the related files has been attached along with this  <br>
  &gt;mail (raw data with raw format, gsas format and ascii  <br>
  &gt;format; instrument data where parameters are estimated  <br>
  &gt;using CMPR programme; one well-cited published CIF file  <br>
  &gt;for silicon; and the hkl files after indexing with  <br>
  &gt;PowderX). <br>
  &gt;  <br>
  &gt; Your reply will be quite appreciated. <br>
  &gt;  <br>
  &gt;  <br>
  &gt;  <br>
  &gt;Faithfully <br>
  &gt; Jun Lu <br>
  &gt; ---------- <br>
  &gt; Lst. Prof. Lijie Qiao <br>
  &gt; Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry <br>
  &gt; University of Science and Technology Beijing <br>
  &gt; 100083 Beijing <br>
  &gt; P.R. China <br>
  &gt; <a href="http://www.instrument.com.cn/ilog/handsomeland/";>http://www.instrume<wbr>nt.com.cn/<wbr>ilog/handsomelan<wbr>d/</a> <br>
  &gt;  <br>
  &gt; Lst. Prof. Loidl and Lunkenheimer <br>
  &gt; Experimental Physics V <br>
  &gt; Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (EKM) <br>
  &gt; University of Augsburg <br>
  &gt; Universitaetsstr. 2 <br>
  &gt; 86159 Augsburg <br>
  &gt; Germany <br>
  &gt; <a href="http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/exp5";>http://www.physik.<wbr>uni-augsburg.<wbr>de/exp5</a> <br>
  &gt;  <br>
  &gt;  <br>
  &gt; [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] <br>
  &gt;  <br>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]<br>

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