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Re: [sdpd] General questions/stuck


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      <p>hi cruz,<br>
this is shilpa,I am working in a pharma industry,in crystallography area.<br>
I am planning to try this software for pharmaceutical.is it possible? <br>
From: paula vera-cruz &lt;<a href="mailto:pauveracruz%40gmail.com";>pauveracruz...@gmail.com</a>&gt;<br>
To: <a href="mailto:sdpd%40yahoogroups.com";>sdpd...@yahoogroups.com</a><br>
Sent: Tue, 10 August, 2010 7:33:53 PM<br>
Subject: Re: [sdpd] General questions/stuck<br>
Hi Phill,<br>
I don't have any experience with FOX or JANA2006, but I can recommend<br>
EXPO2009. I have used this programm to solve difficult structures and it is<br>
very easy and straight forward. It lets you start from scratch, index the<br>
pattern and then add the atoms in the unit cell to find space group and<br>
atomic positions.<br>
I have a few tutorials that could help you. If you decide to give it a try<br>
write to me and I will send them to you.<br>
Regarding the problem of two long lattice constants and one short one,<br>
although it is a way to know that the cell is wrongly indexed, this is not<br>
always the case. I work with MOFs and in these type of structures you often<br>
get cells where one lattice constant is significantly shorter that the<br>
others. So to know if the cell is right or wrong you need to look at similar<br>
structures and see if this could be possible. See if you can explain the<br>
short cell lattice, for example in my case I have an organic chain of 5A, so<br>
a lattice of 5A is acceptable, but anything shorter is questionable.<br>
I hope all this helps.<br>
2010/8/5 phillenglish7 &lt;<a href="mailto:phillenglish7%40yahoo.com.au";>phillenglish7...@yahoo.com.au</a>&gt;<br>
&gt; Dear SDPD group,<br>
&gt; I stumbled onto this group from the back of the SDPD book by David et al.<br>
&gt; and I was wondering if some of you might be able to help me some<br>
&gt; difficulties I've been having completing a structural determination. I'm<br>
&gt; going to try to give as much detailed info as possible to give some context<br>
&gt; to my question, so I hope you'll forgive me if I bang on a bit. Also, this<br>
&gt; is the first time for me posting to a mailing group, so I hope I get the<br>
&gt; protocol right!<br>
&gt; * I'm looking at the structure of TiOSO4.2H2O, the dihydrate in the series<br>
&gt; of TiOSO4 and TiOSO4.H2O whose structures have been well known for some time<br>
&gt; now. My supervisors and I are reasonably sure that the TiOSO4.2H2O will<br>
&gt; contain the same motifs of Ti-O octahedra shared with SO4 tetrahedra as seen<br>
&gt; in the rest of the series and in analogues of Zr and Hf (so that's our<br>
&gt; 'chemical information').<br>
&gt; * I've collected two sets of laboratory X-ray diffraction patterns (an old<br>
&gt; Siemens and a newer machine installed last year at my university), two sets<br>
&gt; of synchrotron X-ray diffraction (from the APS and the Australian<br>
&gt; Synchrotron) and a relatively poor, but still possibly useful neutron<br>
&gt; diffraction pattern (deuterated). We are very confident that we have<br>
&gt; single-phase diffraction patterns.<br>
&gt; * Following the general recipe/method for SDPD, I've obtained a unit cell<br>
&gt; that has been indexed using multiple programs and has been verified by the<br>
&gt; beamline scientists at the two synchrotron institutions.<br>
&gt; * Using the 'space group explorer' in the program FOX, I've generated a<br>
&gt; list of possible spacegroups.<br>
&gt; * In both the FOX and JANA2006 programs, I've used the Le Bail method to<br>
&gt; generate a list of integrated intensities to be used in the FOX, superflip<br>
&gt; and EXPO2004 routines.<br>
&gt; Now, at this stage I fall down a bit. Looking at other papers of<br>
&gt; (relatively) similar structures, such as those in<br>
&gt; <a href="http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?la0055";>http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?la0055</a> and<br>
&gt; <a href="http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ic00268a025";>http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ic00268a025</a> it seems they generated a<br>
&gt; Patterson map in order to determine the positions of heavy atoms. Now, I'm a<br>
&gt; bit of a newbie and I cannot for the life of me figure out how they did<br>
&gt; this. So the most basic of my questions is: how can I generate a Patterson<br>
&gt; map in either FOX or JANA2006? JANA2006 has the option of producing a<br>
&gt; Fourier map, but in order to do so I need to add atoms, which seems<br>
&gt; counter-intuitive. Quite confused on this issue. :/<br>
&gt; Detouring from Patterson maps a bit, I've also tried invoking the FOX<br>
&gt; reverse Monte Carlo technique and the JANA2006 Superflip method, but I've<br>
&gt; received nothing but nonsense answers thus far from them. My first thought<br>
&gt; was that the unit cell might be incorrect, and so I checked into ways in<br>
&gt; which indexing from a synchrotron can go wrong, and noticed a quote in the<br>
&gt; David SDPD book about there being issues if two of the lattice constants are<br>
&gt; very long and one is short, and the peak that has been used to determine<br>
&gt; that short lattice constant is spurious. I have a similar situation with my<br>
&gt; indexed unit cell, (a ~ 18Ang, b~16Ang, c~5Ang) and so was wondering how I<br>
&gt; might check for this?<br>
&gt; If anyone is interested enough in this problem to want to lend a helping<br>
&gt; hand in a more direct way, feel free to contact me at<br>
&gt; <a href="mailto:phill.english%40gmail.com";>phill.english...@gmail.com</a> &lt;phill.english%40gmail.com&gt; and I can provide any<br>
&gt; data files/extra info you might need. I am entering the final stages of my<br>
&gt; Ph.D., and while I would love to have the time to puzzle all these problems<br>
&gt; out myself and learn from them, I'm spending more time banging my head<br>
&gt; against walls than is useful at this point. That said, I am well aware that<br>
&gt; all of you are professionals with your own challenges to overcome, and<br>
&gt; demands on your time.<br>
&gt; Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from some of you soon,<br>
&gt; Phillip English<br>
&gt;  <br>
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  #ygrp-reco #reco-head {
    color: #ff7900;
    font-weight: 700;

  #ygrp-reco {
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    padding: 0px;

  #ygrp-sponsor #ov li a {
    font-size: 130%;
    text-decoration: none;

  #ygrp-sponsor #ov li {
    font-size: 77%;
    list-style-type: square;
    padding: 6px 0;

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    margin: 0;
    padding: 0 0 0 8px;

  #ygrp-text {
    font-family: Georgia;

  #ygrp-text p {
    margin: 0 0 1em 0;

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    font-size: 120%;

  #ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {
    border-right: none !important; 

<!-- end group email -->
