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Re: [sdpd] patenting powder diffraction....?


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      <p>		Dear all,<br>
	This patent is indeed quite absurd (as a lot are anyway)due to priori art - more importantly, it is is useless - I can hardly see how one could license  the use of synchrotron radiation. Beamline responsible should be worried by this.<br>
	But given how patent application are processed, it is likely that it will be accepted. Patent offices don't really check for prior art because any sort of even vague novelty (like the combination of several methods which are individually well-known) would be enough to make the patent acceptable. They will mostly check if the application is well-formed, i.e. redacted in a correct manner.<br>
	The way patent offices work is to accept anything written well enough and let the courts sort the mess - at a price.<br>
PS : on a similar front, about 10 years after software patents were rejected by the European Parliament (some will remember the ECA's letter against software patents), there is still an ongoing, undercover battle to introduce them at the european level. But since it did not go through the elected parliament, lobbyists are trying to push this through a &quot;unitary patent&quot; that would make the european parliament and european court of justice incompetent about any decision on patents. In other words, since they could not win through democratic channels, just invent another way to circumvent it. Democracy at its worst.<br>
For those interested, see <a href="http://www.unitary-patent.eu";>http://www.unitary-patent.eu</a><br>
-- <br>
Vincent Favre-Nicolin                    <a href="http://inac.cea.fr";>http://inac.cea.fr</a><br>
CEA/Grenoble              Institut Nanosciences &amp; Cryogénie<br>
Laboratoire SP2M/Nano-structures et Rayonnement Synchrotron<br>
17, rue des Martyrs<br>
38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 - France<br>
Université Joseph Fourier        <a href="http://www.ujf-grenoble.fr";>http://www.ujf-grenoble.fr</a><br>
tél: (&#43;33) 4 38 78 95 40           fax: (&#43;33) 4 38 78 51 38<br>


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