(second submission) Second set of results. Still cannot make head nor tail of SMRR-3. Results very little modified from first round. All the best for you trial - I hope you get a lot of responses. Software used Jade v6.1 (Materials Data Inc) SMRR-1 minerals datafile (ICDD set 51 - 2001) phases positively identified Siderite FeCO3 ICDD 29-696 gormanite Fe3Al4(PO4)4(OH)6.2H2O ICDD 36-403 quartz SiO2 ICDD 46-1045 fluorapatite Ca5(PO4)3F ICDD 15-0876 [cell edges do not agree] possible lepidcrocite (else unidentified line at 6.24A) ICDD 8-98 unidentified minors possible, cf. 5.43A, 4.16A SMRR-2 inorganic datafile (ICDD set 51) also matches in organic datafile (ICDD set 51) also matches in zeolite datafile (ICDD set 51) phases positively identified octadecasil - silicon oxide quinuclidine fluoride (or variant) ICDD 48-475 cell edges do not agree (a=9.08,c=13.45 against 9.194, 13.396 expected) some lines remain. unassigned lines (to adjusted ICDD card) index reasonably to new cell edges. Intensities also not good match (ICDD card). SMRR-3 phamaceutical datafile (ICDD set 51) no positive result - I lack the experience and knowledge. SMRR-4 inorganic datafile phases positively identified lead oxide PbO ICDD 5-0561 lead oxide sulfate Pb5O4SO4 ICDD 23-0333 lead oxide sulfate hydrate Pb4O3SO4.H2O ICDD 29-0781 no apparent minor lines unassigned, two or more trace (<1%) lines unassigned.