Identification was done with the EVA program (BRUKER / SIEMENS) and the PDF datafile. SMRR1: The first run with search for "minerals" and no further limitations give: Fluorapatite Siderite Gormanite (better: a member of Gormanite-Souzalite series) Quartz In a further run with special search for minerals with P and O and after removing all the apatite phases from the list an additional minor phase could be identified: A member of Ferroalluaudite-Alluaudite series. SMRR2: The identification was unsuccesful. (no attached file) SMRR3: We are not familiar with the identification of organic compounds and substances produced by pharmaceutical engineers, and the results of the search routine were not so obvious that a clear identification is possible, therefore I would consider the results or at least parts of the results as questionable: Thalidomide (19-1946) N-(2,3-Dihydroxyphenylmethylene)-4 sulfamidobenzeneamine (47-1925) 6-Amino-phenalenone-6-amino-1H-phenalen-1-one (45-1544) ??? apparently additional (ore other) phases are present. SMRR4: The first run with search for "inorganic" and "minerals" and no further limitations give: Lead Oxide Sulfate Pb5O4SO4 (23-0333) Litharge (05-0561) In a second run with special search for Pb compounds an additional minor phase could be identified: Lead Oxide Sulfate Hydrate Pb4O3SO4 x H2O (29-0781)