This my contribution to The Search-Match Round Robin 2002, using ELEMENTAL information. FARHAN program is available to any intersted person free. FARHAN program (a qualitative and quantitative PC program for XRD (1999)). I only have ICDD minerals file set 1-45. I have used my program to identify mineral phases in Sample 1: mineral sample from a geologist (SRMM-1). My participant number was SMRR-P010. Using the elemental information the expected phases are: The major phases which can easily identified are: 1- Siderite, FeCO3, 29-0696 2- Carbonate Hydroxyl Apatite, Ca10(PO4)3(CO3)3(OH)2, 19-0272 3- Quartz, SiO2, 33-1161 The possible minor phases are: 4- Carbonate Fluor Apatite, Ca10(PO4)5CO3F(OH).0.5 H2O 31-0267 5- Cristobalite, SiO2, 39-1425 6- Scolecite, CaAl2Si3O10.3H2O, 41-1355 7- Aragonite, CaCO3, 41-1475 Detailed Search-Match output is given in SMRR-1Eout.DOC. The file also contains graphical match. For seeing graphical match on screen you can also use PRINTGLD program to read the HPGL cod in SMRR-1E.HPC file (both provided). Thanks for you effort to advance this subject.