Without much formalities the results for the Search/Match Round Robin: Sample 1 Minerals: 3-747 Hydroxylapatite 77-1060 Quartz 83-1764 Siderite (FeCO3) 80-1296 Na2Ca6(Si2O7)(SiO4) 83-1764 Siderite is not 100% certain. Peak positions are spot-on but intensities are a bit out. It could well be an isomorphous Co, Ni or Mn carbonate. A rietveld refinement should tell even without the chemical information. (Haven't got the time at the moment!) 80-1296 Na-Ca silicate would explain the most prominent residual peak at 13.344 deg. Sample 2 Best fit for 48-475 Silicon Oxide Quinulidine Fluoride Sample 3 Well this is anyone guess! Lot's of possible solutions. I don't want to submit anything without background information. Sample 4 35-1482 PbO Litharge 23-333 Pb5O4SO4 29-781 Pb4O3SO4 * H2O PbO and Pb5O4SO4 are easy to spot. Pb4O3SO4 * H2O is a bit more difficult to find. It is really tempting to dig deep into the noise and look for more lead sulfate or lead oxide sulfate but I rather restrain myself. Samples 1 and 4 are done with Bede Search/Match, sample 2 the old fashion style Hanawalt search for 3 strong peaks. I used ICCD release 2001. I hope all this makes some sense. I will do sample 3 once I've got the background information. Screenshots and some info on our Search/Match program to follow.