Dear friends, my results, participation number P020. Using the - Oxford Crysosystems CSM program, ==> only raw data (no peak search) I found the results with the help of ICDD set 51. Many thanks for the idea of such a Search/Match Round Robin. Best regards. Dear organizers, I'm sorry, but again in the last minute. There is too much of daily business. Every determination was done in about 10 minutes ... But again many thanks for the idea. Yesterday I converted the data to my usual STOE- raw data format to see nom my results in 'my' graphic, see Figures. Studying the element information I am glad that some presented phases of the first step are ok. I assume, that the measurements were taken with a zero shift. Normally I do not use this in my search/match. The diffractometer is checked for angle (and intensity) before the first measurement after every new switch on using a standard sample. Sorry I have no experience in organic chemistry, therefore I prefer to be reserved. Here the actual phase analysis, the now added / changed phases are red marked : PDF-number Sample 1: Apatite 15-876 ok Quartz 46-1045 It seems that there exists a systematic angle error of the measured data to higher angles. Gormanite 36-403 confirmed, ok, peak shift Dolomite structure e.g. 79-1346 D Giko Zn(N3)2 (NH3)2 71-2225 possible not present Sample 2: Searching as single phase I found : C14 H24 F2 N2 O40 Si20 48-475 reflection arrangement is ok, but lattice parameters may differ C8 H20 N F6 U 26-1993 two relatively strong lines are absent I have no new ideas and would discuss this with the customer …., after having a look to the 'anorganic elements'. Sample 3: Obviuously my first ideas were not the best ….. NaHCO3 72-1663 or 73-1390 Hydroxylapatite 9-432 Searching now with 'C,H,N,O must be included, and only this' I find C13 H10 N2 O 19-1946 measurement with peak shift to higher angles (?) The proposed phase C13 H10 N2 O4 with PDF 2-201 is not present. C15 H13 N3 O4 51-2367 ? Sample 4 : PbO 35-1482 here better : PbO Litharge 5-561 Pb5 O4 SO4 23-333 (PbO)3 (Pb(SO4)) H2O 88-551 I think, that this is ok.