sorry, pressed now in time because of conferences, work ... I want to take part at the round robin in the last minute. Using the - Oxford Crysosystems CSM program, - only raw data - no peak search) I found the results with the help of ICDD set 51. Many thanks for the idea of such a Search/Match Round Robin. PDF-number Sample 1: Apatite 15-876 Quartz 83-22452 instead of 46-1045. It seems that there exists a systematic angle error of the measured data to smaller angles. Gormanite 36-403 Dolomite structure e.g. 79-1346 D Giko Zn(N3)2 (NH3)2 71-2225 possible Sample 2: Search as single phase C14 H24 F2 N2 O40 Si20 48-475 reflection arrangement is ok, but lattice parameters may differ C8 H20 N F6 U 26-1993 two relatively strong lines are absent Sample 3: NaHCO3 72-1663 or 73-1390 Hydroxylapatite 9-432 Sample 4 : PbO 35-1482 Pb5 O4 SO4 23-333 (PbO)3 (Pb(SO4)) H2O 88-551