Here are some notes on the search/match of the four patterns (part 2): Comments on Search/Match: Pattern 1 Assigned Hydroxylapatite to replace fluoroapatite based on chemistry. Rest of assignment identical as in part 1 Pattern 2 No close match in the PDF for this XRD pattern. S/M did however come up with "octadecasil" (48-0475) which is very close to this pattern. I suspect that this is a similar compound with a slight chemical variation on the formula of this chemical. I did a quick peak profile of all the peaks (including some weak ones) and was able to index the pattern to an hexagonal cell (similar to octadecasil) and refined the cell parameters. Here is an excerpt of the report below: Cell Refinement Report [smrr-2.raw] SMRR-2 Cell Type = Tetragonal(I-Center), I41/a (88) (origin at -4) Refined Cell = 9.08367(2), 13.4606(7) The cell parameters are indeed close to those of octadecasil. I did not have the International tables at hand to check the systematic absence conditions for the space group I41/a (88) above, but this would not change the refined cell parameters. Pattern 3 There is something very peculiar with the information chemistry provided on the web site. I tested the empirical formula on pdf2:2000 with pdfwin and could not get much in the database. Is the empirical formula the right one? I wonder... I do not do much in my lab in terms of pharmaceutical samples, anyway. I still keep the search results from part1. Thalidomide looks fairly good. Pattern 4 Added a PbO hydrate phase and an additional one based on chemistry. The hit on litharge was the first hit. Again better match was obtained from the ICSD pattern subfile. Obtained the other two matches by zooming in on the peaks in the 10 degrees region. Since this is a sample coming from an industrial process, the fact that Pb is common to the three phases seems to make sense.