Dear Sir, Our results in Powder XRD Search Match Round Robin (SMRR-2002) were obtained using the search match program X'Pert Graphics and Identify by Philips and PDF-2 and are the follow: SMRR1- SiO2 (86-2237) quartz low FeCO3 (83-1764) siderite Fe3Al4(PO4)4(OH)6.2H2O (36-403) Ca5F(PO4)3 (75-915) Fluorapatite SMRR2 Octadecasil C14H24F2N2O40Si20 tetragonal I4/m (48-475) SMRR3 Not identified SMRR4 PbO (87-604)Litharge Pb4O3.SO4.xH2O (29-781)