Rietveld Mailing List Homepage and Other Info.

Lachlan Cranswick ( lachlan@melbpc.org.au )
Fri, 12 Jan 1996 06:13:53 +1000

Hi All,

A quick message that the new Rietveld Mailing List homepage
is available for viewing at :-



This includes pointers to the list of Rietveld FAQs :-
(a suitable candidate for expansion)



Which includes the pointer to :-


Rietveld programs available for PCs and Macs including related
software such as -

Separate Rietveld Difference Plot Viewers

Rietveld Friendly Structure Viewing Software

Rietveld Friendly Bond Length and Angle Calculation Software

User Friendly Powder XRD Data Inter-Conversion Software

User Friendly Peak Find and Peak Profiling Software

User Friendly Unit Cell Refinement Software




PS : If any of the above pages seem to terminate prematurely, could you
please contact me as the Australia - Europe link is rather unreliable.

Lachlan M.D. Cranswick _--_|\
Melbourne PC User Group, Australia / \
A/H Phone/Fax : (613) 9455-1345 \_.--._/
E-mail : lachlan@melbpc.org.au v
WWW : http://www.unige.ch/crystal/stxnews/stx/volnteer.htm