P2XY revision 1.20

Tadashi C. Ozawa ( (no email) )
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 10:23:05 -0700 (PDT)

P2XY users:

P2XY (a free software which Converts GSAS POWPLOT Postscript files into XY
coordinates for use with scientific graphing software such as Kaleida
Graph and MS-Excel) has revised and the manual has also rewritten for
better performance. The NEW download site for P2XY version 1.20 is

Tadashi C. Ozawa

Tadashi C. Ozawa
Department of Chemistry Phone: (530)-752-5157
University of California FAX: (530)-752-8995
One Shields Ave E-mail: tcozawa@ucdavis.edu
Davis, CA 95616-5295

WWW: http://chem.ucdavis.edu/groups/kauzlarich/ozawa