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[sdpd] GSAS:PC version data point limit

Hi Group,
My question might be better posted to rietveld group. Well, cause many
of you also do rietveld, I would like to ask a short question. Can the
GSAS PC version
handle more than 10k data points? I keep getting GSAS crushed in a DOS
box under NT with data point from 5-129 .01 step std data. And I also
get GSAS freeze my NT (need hard reboot!) couple time when doing
powplot for a 5-64 .005 step esd data. Anyone see this before? Or this
should relate to my limited hard drive resource?(287mb left on system
partition and 137mb left on data partition.) Thanks a lot!

Xiang Ouyang Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
Texas A&M University
College Station,TX77843