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[sdpd] RIET: Age Concern edition of the Computing Commission and Teaching Commission newsletter


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The Computing Commission and Teaching Commission has produced a joint<br>
November 2009 newsletter on the theme of &quot;Age Concern&quot;, which deals with<br>
issue concerning &quot;the slow march towards retirement of the major<br>
generation of crystallographic programmers&quot;<wbr>, as further explained by<br>
David Watkin within the newsletter.<br>
<a href="http://www.iucr.org/resources/commissions/crystallographic-computing/newsletters/10";>http://www.iucr.<wbr>org/resources/<wbr>commissions/<wbr>crystallographic<wbr>-computing/<wbr>newsletters/<wbr>10</a><br>
or via<br>
<a href="http://www.iucr.org/resources/commissions/crystallographic-teaching/newsletters/3";>http://www.iucr.<wbr>org/resources/<wbr>commissions/<wbr>crystallographic<wbr>-teaching/<wbr>newsletters/<wbr>3</a><br>
This issue's articles include :<br>
- the latest background and information from the UK based EPSRC funded<br>
Age Concern Project.<br>
- history and science within the Caltech based CRYRM single crystal<br>
suite; DIMS - Direct methods In Multidimensional Space software; Crunch<br>
1.5 Direct Methods Software; the Glasgow based GX single crystal suite;<br>
the Italian based CAOS structure refinement software; Ton Spek's Platon;<br>
and a list of programs archived at Armel Le Bail's Crystallography<br>
Source Code Museum.<br>
- experience in conversion of large crystallographic Fortran-77 to C&#43;+;<br>
as well as the place of the Quick and Dirty Crystallographic Computer<br>
- Historical group photographs from some of the Crystallographic<br>
Computing and Teaching School of the 1970's. <br>
- Archived manuals and source code from the above mentioned software.<br>
- Teaching material of Isabella L. Karle, as she presented at the 1978<br>
Erice School on Direct Methods for Solving Crystal Structures<br>
- A reprint of the The Analytical Theory of Point Systems (1923) by J.<br>
D. Bernal (1901-1971)<br>
Further Computing Commission newsletters are intended on theme of Age<br>
Concern : capturing the history and the crystallographic science behind<br>
past and present Small Molecule, Powder Diffraction, Protein and other<br>
crystallographic software. Submissions on this topic are welcome and<br>
-  Lachlan Cranswick <br>
Lachlan M. D. Cranswick<br>
Contact outside working hours /<br>
  Coordonnees en dehors des heures de travail:<br>
NEW E-mail / courriel:  lachlanc *at* magma.ca<br>
Home Tel: (613) 584-4226 ; Cell/mobile: (613) 401-6254<br>
WWW: <a href="http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/";>http://lachlan.<wbr>bluehaze.<wbr>com.au/</a><br>
        P.O. Box 2057, Deep River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1P0<br>
(please use clear titles in any Email - otherwise messages might<br>
accidentally get put in the SPAM list due to large amount of junk<br>
Email being received. If you don't get an expected reply to any<br>
messages, please try again.)<br>
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pourraient aboutir dans un dossier de rebuts, du fait de la quantite<br>
tres importante de pourriels recue. Si vous n'obtenez pas la reponse<br>
attendue, merci de bien vouloir renvoyer un message.)<br>


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