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[sdpd] Workshop Facets of Electron Crystallography, Berlin, July 7-9, 2010, first announcement


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      <p>The Joint Laboratory for Electron Microscopy Adlerhof of the Humboldt  <br>
University Berlin (HUB) and the Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth  <br>
(IKZ) organizes a three day workshop<br>
Facets of Electron Crystallography<br>
to be held from July 7 to 9, 2010, at both IKZ and HUB<br>
limited to 35 participants, check with local coordinator (email below)  <br>
for availability after June 5<br>
Speakers: Jan Pieter Abrahams (Leiden), Martin Albrecht (IKZ Berlin),  <br>
Carmelo Giacovazzo (Bari), Sven Hovmöller (Stockholm), Ute Kolb  <br>
(Mainz), Peter Moeck (Portland, USA), Jean-Paul Morniroli (Villeneuve  <br>
d'Ascq), Wolfgang Neumann (HUB Berlin), Stavros Nicolopoulos  <br>
(Brussels), Lukas Palatinus (Prague), Edgar Rauch (Grenoble), Muriel  <br>
Véron (Grenoble)<br>
All inquiries are to be directed to the local coordinator: Peter  <br>
Moeck, Tel.: &#43;049 30 2093 8044, <a href="mailto:pmoeck%40pdx.edu";>pmoeck...@pdx.edu</a><br>
<a href="http://crysta.physik.hu-berlin.de/workshop_FoEC/first%20announcement.pdf";>http://crysta.<wbr>physik.hu-<wbr>berlin.de/<wbr>workshop_<wbr>FoEC/first%<wbr>20announcement.<wbr>pdf</a><br>
<a href="http://crysta.physik.hu-berlin.de/workshop_FoEC/workshop_FoEC.html";>http://crysta.<wbr>physik.hu-<wbr>berlin.de/<wbr>workshop_<wbr>FoEC/workshop_<wbr>FoEC.html</a><br>
<a href="http://crysta.physik.hu-berlin.de/englisch/cry.html";>http://crysta.<wbr>physik.hu-<wbr>berlin.de/<wbr>englisch/<wbr>cry.html</a><br>
Topics of the workshop<br>
Fundamentals of electron crystallography<br>
New developments in precession electron diffraction<br>
High resolution crystallite orientation and phase mapping (HRCOPM) in the TEM<br>
3D Diffraction tomography<br>
Rotation diffraction method for the collection of 3D data sets<br>
HRTEM image-based electron crystallography &amp; objective-lens corrected TEM<br>
Direct methods &amp; charge flipping for electron crystallography<br>
Hands-on activities in small groups<br>
  	            - HRCOPM (very loosely speaking ?EBSD like mapping?) at  <br>
an analytical JEOL JEM 2200F<br>
- HRTEM at an objective-lens corrected FEI Titan 80-300<br>
- Software for electron crystallography<br>
All participants are encouraged to present one poster that gives an  <br>
introduction to their work. The best poster, as judged by a committee,  <br>
will win a prize of 100 Euro. The organizers will invite selected  <br>
participants of our workshop to submit either a research or a review  <br>
paper for a special issue on ?New developments in electron  <br>
diffraction? of the journal Crystal Research and Technology  <br>
Fees (to be paid at the workshop venue on arrival), after advanced  <br>
registration with the local coordinator<br>
Students: 50 Euros (one day), 125 Euros (all three days)<br>
Senior Researches: 100 Euros (one day), 250 Euros (all three days)<br>
Workshop venues: IKZ, Max-Born-Straß<wbr>e 2, 12489 Berlin &amp; HUB, Institute  <br>
of Physics, Newtonstrasse 15, 12489 Berlin (5 minutes walking distance)<br>
Workshop Hotels: Airport Hotel Berlin-Adlershof, prices (per night)  <br>
range from 62 Euro for a single room, over 72 Euro for two people  <br>
sharing a double room, to 81 Euro for 3 to 4 people sharing a ?group  <br>
room?, breakfast buffet: 12 Euro (per day),  <br>
<a href="http://www.airporthotel-berlin-adlershof.de/;";>http://www.airporth<wbr>otel-berlin-<wbr>adlershof.<wbr>de/;</a> Dorit Berlin-Adlershof,  <br>
<a href="http://hotel-berlin-adlershof.dorint.com/";>http://hotel-<wbr>berlin-adlershof<wbr>.dorint.com/</a> single room 63 Euro, double  <br>
room 73 Euro, breakfast buffet: 13 Euro. Direct booking at these rates  <br>
is guaranteed (for up to 35 participants) until June 5, do mention the  <br>
two keywords ?Electron crystallography? in your email or telephone  <br>
Both hotels are located within a short walk of 5 minutes from the  <br>
workshop venues. There is a stop of bus 162 in front of these hotels.  <br>
This bus comes from (and goes to) Schoenefeld Airport directly within  <br>
less than 20 minutes (three times per hour during the day).  <br>
Participants arriving at Tegel Airport need to either take a taxi (45  <br>
minutes) or the bus TXL to a(n) S-Bahn/U-Bahn station and from there  <br>
to Aldershof (about 1 hour). Participants arriving at any of the  <br>
Berlin railway stations should take the S-Bahn to Adlershof.<br>
Public transportation within Berlin can be planned ahead at  <br>
<a href="http://www.fahrinfo-berlin.de/Fahrinfo/bin/query.bin/en?ld=0.1&amp;";>http://www.fahrinfo<wbr>-berlin.de/<wbr>Fahrinfo/<wbr>bin/query.<wbr>bin/en?ld=<wbr>0.1&amp;</a><br>
-- <br>
Peter Moeck (PhD, Dr. rer. nat. Crystallography)<br>
Associate Professor of Physics<br>
currently on sabbatical at: Institute of Physics, Humboldt University  <br>
Berlin, Newtonstreet 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany, tel.:  <br>
&#43;49-30-2093-<wbr>8044, fax: &#43;49-30-2093-<wbr>7760, working there as guest of  <br>
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Wolfgang Neumann)<br>
Nano-Crystallograph<wbr>y Group,<br>
<a href="http://nanocrystallography.research.pdx.edu/index.py/nano_group";>http://nanocrystall<wbr>ography.research<wbr>.pdx.edu/<wbr>index.py/<wbr>nano_group</a><br>
from August 1, 2010 onwards: Portland State University, Department of Physics,<br>
Laboratory for Structural Fingerprinting and Electron Crystallography<br>
P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751<br>
Tel.: 503 725 4227, Departmental Fax.: 503 725 2815<br>
<a href="mailto:pmoeck%40pdx.edu";>pmoeck...@pdx.edu</a><br>
<a href="http://www.physics.pdx.edu/~pmoeck";>http://www.physics.<wbr>pdx.edu/~<wbr>pmoeck</a><br>
Office 404, Science Building 2, 1719 SW 10th Ave, Portland, OR 97201,<br>
Office hours: During quarters Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00 to 12:30 and per<br>
free crystallographic information and interactive 3D visualization on some<br>
20,000 inorganic crystal structures with educational relevance<br>
<a href="http://nanocrystallography.research.pdx.edu/CIF-searchable";>http://nanocrystall<wbr>ography.research<wbr>.pdx.edu/<wbr>CIF-searchable</a><br>
first American mirror of the Crystallography Open Database (COD, with  <br>
approximatly 90,000 complete and carefully evaluated datasets):  <br>
second American mirror of the COD (where there is a portal to the two  <br>
mirrors in France, the original site in Lithuania, and) where you can  <br>
also interactively visualize all of the COD's entries in 3D:  <br>
&quot;... no hell below us, above us only sky ...&quot; John Lennon<br>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]<br>


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<!-- end group email -->
