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Linking IUCr Osaka 2008 CompComm sessions with other commissions??

Hi All,

In terms of trying to get as many CompComm session for Osaka that are 
considered reasonable from the other program committee members,
it looks like it makes sense to suggest linking this to be joint with other
IUCr commissions.

Following are my suggestions - where the respective Osaka program reps can be
approached to see if they agreeable to supporting sessions relevant to their

I have also added a Computing and Teaching suggestion - and suggest T. N.Guru Row 
in India as chair? 

Comments, etc?  Is this acceptable for people?



Plenary Speaker suggestion:  
  Gervais Chapuis on Charge Flipping (perhaps describing it as a lecture in 
    honor of the two developers of the Charge Flipping,  G. Oszlanyi and A. Suto.)


Suggested chairs for following sessions:  (modifications/changes?)

- Decision making and algorithms for automation of Data acquistion
    - Bob Sweet or Ashley Deacon
       (suggest joint with Commission on Synchrotron Radiation and Commission Biological Macromolecules)
- Decision making and algorithms for automation in Macromolecular Crystallography
    - Andrew Leslie, Sean McSweeny or Harry Powell
       (suggest joint with Commission Biological Macromolecules)

- Decision making and algorithms for automation in single crystal and powder diffraction
    - Rob Hooft
       (suggest joint with Commission Powder Diffraction and Commission Structural Chemistry)

- New algorithms for macromolecular crystallography
     - Eleanor Dodson
       (suggest joint with Commission Biological Macromolecules)

- New algorithms for single crystal and powder diffraction
     - Matteo Leoni (Trento) and/or John Evans (Durham)
       (suggest joint with Commission Powder Diffraction and Commission Structural Chemistry)

- Algorithmic developments for solving structures
     - Simon Parsons
       (suggest jointwith  Biological Macromolecules, Commission Structural Chemistry and Aperiodic Crystals)

- Validating structures by use of crystallographic databases
     - Martyn Winn, CCDC recommended person, or Richard Cooper
       (suggest joint with Biological Macromolecules and Commission Structural Chemistry)

- New algorithms for incommensurate, non-periodic and magnetic crystallography
     - Gervais Chapuis
       (suggest joint with Commission Aperiodic Crystals)

- Methods and algorithms for linking diffraction with non-diffraction information
     - ????
       (suggest joint with Commission Electron Diffraction and  Commission on XAFS)

- Crystallographic algorithm libraries 
     - Jon Wright (ESRF)
       (suggest joint with Commission Biological Macromolecules, Commission Powder 
       Diffraction and Commission Structural Chemistry)

- Crystallographic Teaching using new computer and Internet based approaches
     - T. N.Guru Row
       (suggest joint with Commission Teaching Commission)

Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
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        P.O. Box 2057, Deep River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1P0

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