re: my 2 cents?

Alice Harris ( )
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 14:14:16 +1000 (EST)

>Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 22:23:00 GMT

>As a new subsriber, and an x-ray/Rietveld novice, I have been kind of
>disappointed by some of the requests that we only reply personally instead of
>to the entire mailing list. When someone writes in a question, most of the
>time, I will have no idea of what the answer would be. But usually, I will
>only see the question. THe answer will go directly to the person who asked it
>and it leaves me a little bit more depressed about how much there is that I
>don't know yet. It seems to me that it only takes a few seconds to delete
>a message.

I agree entirely! I have seen several questions whose answers I would have
been interested to read, but which I was destined never to see. Such a
devastating loss of knowledge! I never have any trouble deleting mail that I
am not interested in - it's a very quick and simple process.

> I guess what I am trying to say is keep those requests and answers coming!

Being able to read responses to a question will promote further discussion
on the issue, and this can only lead to a more enlightened understanding of
Rietveld for all involved.

Alice Harris.